Major update to the gallery
31st July, 2018 | News & updates
Dear visitors of my website,
today a major update to the gallery was made: photos of 427 individual birds were uploaded. That means that the total number of birds available in the gallery is right now 609 individuals, of 66 species in 24 families. Even though this number of birds seems quite huge (at least to me), truth is that less than half (around 46 %) of birds that I have photographed so far is online. The rest still awaits its upload safely on my hard drive.
The major contribution in this batch is the family of finches (Fringillidae). The number of individual finches uploaded online is 286 individuals of 11 species which makes about 23 % of the whole gallery! This is mainly because of the incredible number of Eurasian Siskins (Spinus spinus) and European Greenfinches (Chloris chloris) that visited our bird feeder during this winter. Right now, I am working on some ageing and sexing tips in some species of finches as I would like to exploit this opportunity. I was able to see and photograph quite a few individuals with unusual moult limits so stay tuned.
Also, the families which were already online were greatly updated, among others the pipits & wagtails (Motacillidae), leaf-warblers (Phylloscopidae) or the reed-warblers (Acrocephalidae). Finally, I was able to photograph quite a few individuals of the Marsh Warbler (Acrocephalus palustris) so you are now able to make a direct comparison to the Eurasian Reed-warbler (A. scirpaceus). Also, non-passerines got some attention this year as for example the family of woodpeckers (Picidae) got some new individual birds including juveniles of some species as well as some new species not previously listed in the gallery. There are also some other new families of non-passerines online right now, e.g. the sandpipers & snipes (Scolopacidae) or gulls (Laridae) as well as one new order, the Podicipediformes.
If you are interested in the full list of added individual birds (and species), please see the gallery changelog .
I hope this addition will be useful to you.