Welcome to my website!
I am an ornithologist and a (bad) birdwatcher and this is my personal website where you can find information about myself and my research activities as well as various trip reports and blogposts (mainly) about birds.
Right now I am part of a team studying ecology of temperate and tropical passerines. Apart of that I am working also on other bird related projects and I am very interested in moult of birds. During our ringing activities, my wife and I take pictures of birds in hand to capture the variability in moult as an aid to bird ringers and birdwatchers in identification of the birds they trap or see. You can browse these photos in the gallery which is still being developed and updated.
Last update to the gallery was made on 10th October, 2024. Please see the gallery changelog for recent updates.
Latest articles:
Latest update & first post of 2023
4th April, 2023 | News & updates
Dear visitor of this website,
it has become a nice tradition that at the beginning (in a very very broad sense) of the year, I will update the gallery and post a post about the latest update together with plans for the next year. Plans that are not always fully fulfilled. So, here’s another one… Read more »
Redstarts II. – Redstarts in puberty and on other bird teenagers
20th May 2022 | Ringing
I got an inspiration to write down this article after too frequently repeated contributions in various facebook groups, whose authors had always one in common – their astonishment that a phenomenon called “delayed plumage maturation” exists in some bird species, in particular in Black Redstart. It seems that many people have overlooked it in the books, despite the fact that this aspect is nothing hidden, obscure or otherwise concealed. I wrote this article for those of you, who would like to learn more about this phenomenon... Read more »
Redstarts I. – Hybrid redstart from Slavíč, Czech Republic
On 19th April 2020 an interesting male redstart was observed for the first time in Slavíč, a part of Hranice na Moravě in the Czech Republic (its observation in AVIF – Czech ornithological faunistic database). So our redstart specialist, Filip Petřík, went there to take a look at this individual to try to learn more about him. It seemed that this individual might be of hybrid origin, but the story is far from simple... Read more »
24. listopadu 2022 | České články | Czech posts
Teploty klesají pod nulu, sem tam spadne nějaký sníh a mokré silnice hrozí námrazou, inu už je opravdu čas přezout na zimní pneumatiky. Jedu tedy dnes dopoledne do svého oblíbeného servisu v Třebíči, abych jim tam auto na chvilku nechal… Číst dál »
20. listopadu 2022 | České články | Czech posts
Uplynul další týden, možná dva a já opět mířím k rybníku pochytat pár strnadů. Když jsem na něj koukal z auta ráno škvírami mezi keři, přišlo mi, že už jej zase napouštějí. To u rybníků nebývá zas tak překvapivé, já vím… Číst dál » 20. listopadu 2022 | České články | Czech posts
Po dvou týdnech v podstatě nepřetržité mlhy, mrholení a typického pozdně podzimního marastu se počasí konečně trochu umoudřilo a dalo nám na zde na Náměšťsku vzpomenout na nedávné babí léto. Obloha je téměř vymetená, vítr se zcela utišil a na stromě se nehne ani lísteček. Ideální počasí na to, abych jej strávil v terénu s ptáky… Číst dál »
May 2022 | Ringing
Latest Czech articles | Nejnovější české články:
Jen tak pro radost
Strnadi, rekordní břehouš a birder v mlze — část II.
Strnadi, rekordní břehouš a birder v mlze — část I.